Terms & Conditions

We are proud to offer the highest quality content, news and updates of all things Bollywood.

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Your comments - which do not allow
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v     We do not allow defamatory, threatening, harassing, false, offensive, misleading, abusive, harassing, discriminatory remarks, profane or racist.
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v     Materials and links to content that infringes copyright and trademarks is strictly prohibited. If you post download links or other material must have the copyright to them or have permission to post a link to them.
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Our responsibility
·        The information on this site is for informational purposes and entertainment. We do not approve advice, criticism or comments made or investigation. It's your job to check the information on this site and use your own judgment before doing anything. We express no guarantee of anything about the content of the site.
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Maintenance Site
·        To ensure that the site stays nice and cool we need to constantly monitor and correct errors, and install the updates. We always try to schedule maintenance during peak hours.
·        We may also need emergency maintenance can result in disconnection. However, despite the fact that we can try to have the site online as soon as possible, we reserve the right to do so when we are 100% satisfied and we believe it is safe.

Validity of our Terms
If any portion of these Terms is found later to be of any illegal or unenforceable, so probably will not affect its validity to other provisions of the conditions is concerned.

Jurisdiction and applicable law
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Questions Copyright:
We / our authors and users can send images, videos, etc. and if you have a special / video, then kindly contact using the contact form.

All comments and suggestions are welcome. If you have any questions, please contact filmyyug.com
Terms & Conditions Terms & Conditions Reviewed by Actress110 on 05:30 Rating: 5

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